Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Just kidding. The ankle hasn't bled since Tuesday night. But it really wants to bleed today.

So Rocky went to the vet for his feline leukemia test and a check up. You'll all be happy to here that he is mostly disease free. I say mostly because they did say some antibiotics home to apply to his eyes. It seems to be helping though. His eyes have been less goobery. He's twice as big as he was when they weighed him 3 weeks ago. He's up to 1 pound now. Since he is mostly disease free he has now been given the run of the bathroom which he seems quite happy about. I don't have any new pictures of him today. Maybe tomorrow night.

I do have 2 new screenshots from World of WarCraft and I added the Pikachu and My Cats pages back to the pictures section, although they still aren't complete.

Bowling sucked this week. Well let me say that I sucked at bowling. Well no maybe it just sucked in general. But that's kind of an involved story and a bit more personal. Let's just say I'm seriously debating my bowling future.

Well that's not really my whole week, but it's all of it that I have the energy to type up. Maybe if I get some sleep tonight I'll try to type some more tomorrow and take some Rocky pictures.