I know, I know...
Yes it has been quite some time since the last update. I've been a bit distracted since then. Hey, I heard that. I am not always distracted, just most of the time. And you are probably wondering what could have been keeping me from updating Rocky's fan club on his latest exploits. I know you are probably all thinking that I've been playing World of WarCraft or that I've moved on to a new game (no chance of that, I still haven't played a game demo I installed 2 months ago). But you'd all be wrong. I've actually been distracted by a social life. But you can read more about that after I satisfy the multitude of Rocky fans.

Well the time has finally come for Rocky to go to the vet for his neuter and declaw. And not a moment too soon I might add. For those unfamiliar with Rocky's demonic ways, he typically greets my attempts at petting him with a flash of fangs and claws. I've lost a great deal of blood and skin since Rocky joined the family. Yes, I've attempted to trim his claws in the past. However, as his name suggests, he's a bit of a fighter. I'd basically have to duct tape him to the floor to get him to hold still. And yes, the thought of it has been tempting. Hey, I said I THOUGHT about it, not that I did it. But after this week that will all be behind us. I have to see when exactly this can take place though. Rocky will be about 11-12 weeks at the end of this week. So I'm hoping that maybe he could go in Friday and stay until Monday, as I wouldn't be able to pick him up on Saturday. But maybe he'll have to wait and go in Monday. I'll have to see how long they are planning/willing to keep him.

I know I make it sound like he's possessed by the devil. Well and really that probably the case. But he does have his moments. For example, we were both on the couch last night. I was watching TV and Rocky was lying there dozing. Well I knew if he slept then he wouldn't when it was bedtime, so I reached over and started petting him. Much to my surprise there were no claws or teeth to be seen. Instead the soft sound of purring came lofting from his direction. I continue to pet him and he continued to purr. It was almost tranquil. Then he realized what he was doing and bit me. Not hard enough to draw blood mind you. He's never bit me hard enough to draw blood. But of course where the teeth go, the claws are quick to follow. Sure enough, within another second, Rocky had attached himself to my hand and forearm with his claws. Such are Rocky's "moments" of calm. A brief period of calm and serenity while being petted, followed by an all out fight which he eventually gives up on but I walk away from bloodied. I suppose I could walk away before the tearing of my flesh, but I cannot allow Rocky to win a fight. I'm confident that one day he'll either accept my dominance or I'll die of blood loss. Either way, there will finally be peace. Actually, I'm just hoping that the neuter mellows him out a little. A sentiment the rest of the cats share.

That's about it for the Rocky portion of the update. He's still bathroom bound until after the declaw, but yesterday he used the regular litter box instead of his in the bathroom. I hadn't seen him to that yet, so I'm quite relieved that he hasn't been finding a corner to go in when he didn't have access to his litter box in the bathroom.

There are a couple of new pictures of him, but he hasn't changed much since the last posting. I've decided that part of my lack of posts has been due to a feeling that I need to have new Rocky pictures with each post. I've since gotten over this and you should do the same. Future posts may or may not coincide to new Rocky pictures. Future posts will also start containing pictures beyond the world of Rocky. I know the fan club may protest, but Rocky isn't the only thing happening in my life and this blog was intended to be about my life, not just his.

Speaking of my life, it's been going pretty darn good. I know I mentioned the addition of a social life earlier and I will get to that in a minute, but first an update on my WoW activities. What? I said I added a social life, I didn't say I'd stopped gaming. Although, I have been gaming much less the past month. Hedana is still struggling her way to level 60. She's almost to level 59. If things go well she should hit 59 tonight. All her
younger siblings have been resting while she makes this push for level 60. Recently, Ed and I have been debating the role of a level 60 player. Ed's main character has been level 60 for quite some time and he has been happily engaging in 40 person raids in Molten Core. This appeals to him. I'm less enthused about it. To me, the planning and time that goes into a 40 person raid seems more like work than playing. Especially if you don't end up getting any of the item drops from the raid. Let's face it, if you are in a 40 person raid and there are only 4 epic drops, even if only half the people can use the item and roll you still are likely to be leaving empty handed. The idea is that you need to do the raid many times to get the item you want. This is a lot of work for the casual gamer. I know none of you would call me a casual gamer, but I am on the casual end of the hardcore gamer spectrum. WoW does offer a few 5 person raids for the more casual gamers and perhaps that's where Hedana will eventually end up. Right now I'm just going to concentrate on getting her to level 60 and maxing out her blacksmithing, cooking and fishing skills. Oh and the game demo I mentioned earlier, the one I installed 2 months ago and haven't tried. It's a demo of House of the Dead 3, I think. I'll have to try it out tonight and let you know what I think. It'll be weird to play without the gun in my hand, I'm so used to the arcade version. And I think I have 2 more demo discs that haven't found their way to the CD drive yet, so I'll have to see what is on those.

So is that enough suspense? Are you all dying to hear about my social life? Or did you all tune out when I started talking about video games? Some of you already know this but since the last post I've met a wonderful, young woman named Heather. Well that's not exactly true since I met her a little over a year ago. She's a friend of a friend's wife. But I guess since I consider the friend's wife a friend, Heather is really the friend of a friend. I'm not going to go into too much detail though as she is a little bit shy. So I'll just say that we've been seeing each other for almost a month and things seem to be going well. And I'm sure it will be a relief to her to read that the pictures of us didn't turn out well, so she has avoided fame for the week. I think it had something to do with the lighting. Oh well perhaps next week there will be photos from this weekend's camping trip. New Ulm here I come...