Heather and I have seen a few movies lately and I thought I'd post my 2 cents for you to do what you may with it. I'll try not to spoil the plot for you.

King Kong - Okay i know this has been out forever, but if you haven't seen it then there is still time for me to save you from wasting 3 and a half hours of your life. No really, it's that long. But it will feel twice as long. At one point I literally exclaimed " We get it. Everything on the island is really big. Now get back to the plot." A cry that fell on deaf ears. The movie is at least an hour too long. AT LEAST. Seriously if you want to see King Kong, go rent the original.

Dark Water - Another one that's been out for a while that I just finally got around to popping into the DVD player. I wish I could sing its praises as I think it has a great cast. I think that Jennifer Connelly is one of the most talented actresses in Hollywood and doesn't get enough roles. Unfortunately, this is basically a scary movie that isn't scary. The "climax" isn't because there was no real build up. I don't want to give away the ending, but I almost think that ending at the climax would have been better and saved the film makers a little extra money.

Thank You for Smoking - I can't say enough good things about this movie. The movie is the perfect balance of humor, thought provoking dialog, and political commentary. Aaron Eckhart does an excellent job and gets wonderful performances from his supporting cast. I laugh everytime I hear William H Macy say "The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese." Between Macy, Rob Lowe, Robert Duvall, J.K Simmons and even Katie Holmes, this movie can do no wrong. It is well worth the rental or purchase when it comes out on DVD.

V for Vendetta - I'm always skeptical of movies based on comics, but I wasn't disappointed by this one. I can't say the same for the rest of the people in the theater though. I think many were expecting dialog along the lines of "Hulk Smash!" instead of the fast paced verse to which they were subjected. Despite the puzzled looks of my fellow patrons, I managed to enjoy the movie from start to finish. And yes for those who need it, there is plenty of action and explosions. Be prepared to follow some fast paced dialog though. Coming to DVD on August 1st. I can't wait!

Superman Returns - I've don't my best to examine this movie from every angle. I want to be able to say it was a superb film but the best I can manage is adequate. After how much money and time has been poured into the movie I expected more. What I got was the original Superman movie with a slightly different plot. Perhaps I've been spoiled the past 5 years by Smallville but I expected something new and fresh. I didn't get it, but the movie is decent. See it in theaters or wait for DVD if you have a big screen TV.